Friday, March 29, 2024

Three Crosses, Two Choices

 Three crosses, two choices

Luke 23:32-43
Jesus said; “I tell you today you will be with me in paradise” Luke 23:43

These verses found in the Gospel of Luke tell the story of two criminals sentenced to die along with Jesus. Most likely these two individuals were not prepared for what was about to happen. At the end of their lives, one of them continued to resist the saving love of God, while the other humbled himself and asked Jesus to save him. What difference that made in the spiritual life of this man!
One man died without God, and the other died with peace, knowing that from that moment he would be walking with Jesus in paradise. There were three crosses on Golgotha that Friday, one man died in his sin, one man died to his sin, and the last man, Jesus, died for sin.
The first cross represents; Rejection. The first criminal represents all of those who refuse to bow before the King of kings and Lord of lords. This man used his knowledge to mock Jesus like the rest of the crowd. This criminal was looking for a way to escape punishment, not forgiveness. The second cross represents Reception. The second criminal apparently had a change of heart as he watched Jesus and the events that surrounded him. He admitted his own guilt. He acknowledged that he and the other criminal deserved the penalty they had received. He reached out to Jesus. This man who had rebelled against God all his life, now sought His forgiveness. This is an incredible request. The only thing more incredible is the fact that it was granted. Before anyone can find forgiveness and a new life, they have to come to the point where they acknowledge their own sin. The third cross represents Redemption. This is the cross of Jesus. The Bible tells us that sin is a capital offense. Romans 6:23 says: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. A person who is condemned to death for his own sin cannot pay for my sin. Jesus is the only one who can serve as a substitute. He paid it all.

This is a powerful story because it shows us one man missed eternal life and was destined to hell and another who was made new in a moment and granted eternal life in Heaven. Three crosses, two choices. You can either reject His offer of salvation and eternal life just as one criminal did or you can accept His offer of salvation and eternal life. One chose to turn away from the truth, and the other decided to bet his life on that truth. God has made salvation simple so every person can be saved. What is your choice?  May God bless you and keep you.

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