Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Goodness of God


The world we live in is a mess. It’s fallen, cursed, and sinful. Our enemy, Satan, wreaks havoc. Injustice seems to prevail, and innocent people suffer, but God. The story of humanity is not over yet. God’s plan is perfect. He intends to rescue us all along. Though we rebel and the world is sin-cursed, He reigns in sovereign control. To follow Christ is to gain everlasting hope and eternal life with God in heaven. 
At some time or another, every Christian is bound to have asked it: What is God doing in my life? 
    Joseph certainly was that person. From the human point of view, he had every entitlement to ask that question. Because, as you remember from the beginning of the story, God seemed to have worked in his life strangely. His very early years were difficult. But, perhaps, given him an early indication that God intended to do something excellent and marvelous with him, he was intended in some sense for a kind of greatness.   He couldn’t cope with that moment of illumination, and from the human point of view, he badly messed up his own life. And yet, as on this very moving, tender, heartbreaking occasion, his brothers come to him with their father’s last message, and he speaks these beautiful and remarkable words.  Looking at the whole of his own life, especially the series of disasters that seemed to transpire him. He says, “As far as you were concerned, you meant things for evil, to harm me; but God meant it for good. (Genesis 50:20)”  
    "But God." This phrase is mentioned over  40 times in the Bible. Every verse in which this phrase is used brings an element of hope to a desperate situation. “But God” signifies a redirection in what we can accomplish, in contrast to the power and works of God. It yields to God’s power, sovereignty, and majesty. God is perfectly just, merciful, and forgiving. His grace and love are unmatched.
    We make choices; we are responsible for and will account for our choices, BUT God is above all our choices and uses them to bring about and accomplish His purposes. We can do it the easy way or the hard way, but His will WILL be accomplished. You can work with Him or against Him, but His will WILL be done.  God is at work in and through the freely chosen actions of people and will, through those actions, bring about His perfect and eternal will.
    We need to understand that God is faithful even though we are not. One of the ideas you notice from the Bible is how these Bible characters of the faith made some big mistakes along the way. They are sinful people just like us. Yet, despite that fact, God never forgot His promise. He never turned away from His plan. God was faithful even when we, his servants, were not. 
    We need to remember that decisions have consequences. Throughout the Bible, we have seen this repeatedly. Bad choices create hardship and lead people away from God.
NOTHING is outside God's control (that does not mean God sends everything). Sinful actions bring tragedy and pain. However, God works out His purposes even in pain.) If you hold on to three simple truths, you will be able to keep moving even when life doesn't make any sense. God is in Control. He Loves Me. He Never Makes a Mistake. These principles will not take away the pain. It will not make bad situations something we can understand. But it will help us hang on until we can see more clearly. 
    Thanks be to God that life is not left to the mere whims of chance. Thank God that God does not leave us to work things out ourselves. He is there to help us. And even though we may not know how to get through a difficult time, we learn from these truths that we WILL get through it. And when we understand, we will be grateful.
May God bless you and keep you always.
Pastor Dimas

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