Wednesday, August 23, 2023

God is our Refuge

 “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will dwell under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to Jehovah; My hope and my fortress (Psalm 91:1-2). During my teenage years in Puerto Rico, I sang a beautiful hymn based on this Psalm. The first verse and the chorus say, "He who lives in the shelter of God. He will dwell under shadows of love. No harm will come upon him. And on the wings of him happy he will live”. The chorus says, “Oh, I want to live in the shelter of God. Only there will I find peace and deep love. My delight is with Him, fellowship enjoys. And forever the name of him praises”. What a beautiful promise we have from our God! Many of us live in challenging times. Sometimes the trials and difficulties in our lives make us feel that there is no hope. Many people seek refuge in drugs, alcohol, and other destructive behaviors. However, God offers a better choice, live under the shadow of the Almighty. God is our refuge during the storms that hit our lives daily. God is that strong fortress that resists the attacks of the enemy. Therefore, when problems and difficulties enter our lives, place them in the hands of the Most High God and rest in the shelter of God because only there "will you find peace and deep love". May the Lord bless you and keep you always.

Pastor Dimas

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