Monday, February 19, 2024

When we pray (Matthew 6:5-9)

 Read Matthew 6:5-9

If you talk to most Christians about the area of their spiritual life where they struggle the most they would (if they are honest) tell you that they struggle with prayer. It's not that we don't pray. We do. In times of crisis, when we see something beautiful, or in times of worship we do pray. The problem is not that we never pray, the problem is that we know this is an untapped resource. Prayer is given to us so we might draw close to God. That’s the kind of prayer we lack. 

I want you to see three themes as we look at this passage.

First, Jesus calls us in this text to be people who pray. If we are His followers, prayer is not negotiable. Let’s think first about the call to prayer. Verse 5, “Whenever you pray;” verse 6, “But when you pray;” verse 7, “And when you pray;” verse 9, “Pray then like this.” It’s an obvious point. Jesus insists that prayer is an absolute obligation not an occasional option for the Christian believer. He says, “When you pray.” Prayer is basic. It is fundamental. It is foundational to an authentic walk with God. Where there is no prayer there is no spiritual life. Just like where there is no breath there is no physical life.

Then notice the second theme that is presented in this passage. Here, we are learning about the dynamics of prayer. Here I have in mind in particular the negative dynamics that often distort prayer and undermine prayer as we seek to engage it.  Jesus addresses two common mistakes in the way that we often pray. The first of them you can see in verse 5. The first problem is prayer as performance; prayer with the wrong audience in view. Prayer for our own glory.

The second problem is prayer as persuasion. Look at verse 7. Prayer that tries to leverage what it needs from God by getting the formula exactly right; finding the secret key that will finally persuade God to see it our way and supply what we need. 

Finally, the discipline of prayer. He teaches us about two heart disciplines that we need in all our praying if we are to pray well and faithfully. First, the discipline of looking away (v. 6), and second, the discipline of looking up (v. 8). Prayer is about a relationship. It’s not just about getting stuff. And so, He gives you, His Son. The power and guidance of Jesus, fellowship with Jesus, the loving Shepherd care of Jesus, and His High Priestly intercession. What we need to see is that prayer in its essence is not about getting stuff from God. It is about getting God in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. It’s about growing ever more deeply into the wonder of the Father’s love.

How is your prayer life? Have you been praying like a lost person lately? Come on home. Believer in Jesus, you are welcome. You are quite secure in the Father’s heart. You can pour out your cries to Him. He knows what you need before you ask and delights to give.

May God bless you always,

Pastor Dimas

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