Saturday, December 15, 2018

What Can We give the Savior?

We are 10 days away from Christmas, and I'm sure some of you are stressed by the fact that you have not purchased gifts for all those on your Christmas list. I would guess that some of those who are still on the list are those who are difficult to buy for. I think people are challenging to find a gift for because of one of these three reasons: (1) They are people that don't seem to need anything. (2) They are people we don't know really well (like teachers and co-workers). (3) They are people you don't really want to buy, to begin with. Someone said, "There are generally two kinds of Christmas presents: the one you don't like and the ones you don't get." None of us want to get or give gifts that fall into either of those two categories. As a way of stimulating our thinking about gifts, and to remind us of the person who is to be honored above all at this season it seems best to focus on the most famous gift givers of all, the gifts of the Magi. The gift of gold acknowledged the Kingship of Christ. Gold was a gift that denoted royalty, authority, and power. The gift of frankincense acknowledged the Priestly Ministry of Christ. Frankincense was used in the offerings in the temple. They added a fragrant aroma to the sacrifices. The gift of myrrh acknowledged the Sacrificial nature of Christ. Myrrh points to the sacrificial death of Jesus. Now I don't for a moment believe that these Magi understood the significance of these gifts. But they were designed by God to carry a symbolic meaning. So, here is the present question: What Can We give the Savior?  Let me give you some suggestions. First, we can give Him something from the heart. Whatever you do to honor Christ this Christmas make sure it is from the heart- an honest desire to honor and worship the Lord. Second, we can give Him something of value. Maybe you can give your time in serving as a volunteer or helping with repairs or in some other way in the church or in your community. Third, we can give Him something personal. One of the best gifts we can give to our spouse or children is to give them undivided attention. Perhaps a similar gift would be appropriate for the Lord. Finally, we can give Him something symbolic. In Matthew 25 people are commended on how they showed love to Christ. This love was shown in how we dealt with "the least of the brothers." We show God love when we treat those around us in a loving way. The point of all these suggestions is that it is easy for us to forget the guest of honor this Christmas. It is too easy to get so wrapped up in the activity that we forget the Savior. Friend, how do you plan to honor Jesus this Christmas? Is He still on your Christmas list? May God bless you and keep you always.
Pastor Dimas.

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