Friday, March 15, 2019

Facing Trials

James 1:2-11
We all face trials and tests of some kind. And we all meet different types of things in our walk through this life. Some will face relationship difficulties, other health issues, physical challenges, mental challenges, job problems, church problems. One thing that jumped out at me this week though was that we are to face these trials and face these tests. When a problem or trial or test comes into my life, we need to face it head-on. We should not turn my back on the issue and pretend that it doesn’t exist, that would not solve anything. When turn our backs to our problems, trials, and tests, will be unable to protect ourselves from the issues that might arise from them. If we ignore a disease, it will only get worse. If we ignore a relationship problem, it will just get worse. If we turn and run from our problems, we will never be able to handle anything that comes our way; we won’t get strong enough to handle more difficult issues. 
The story is told of a Scottish discus thrower from the 19th century. He lived in the days before professional trainers and developed his skills alone in the highlands. He made his discus from the description he read in a book. What he didn’t know was that the competition discus was made of wood with an outer rim of iron. His discus was made of pure metal, four times heavier than the ones used by his would-be challengers. This committed Scotsman trained day after day, laboring under the burden of extra weight. He marked the record distance and kept working until he could throw that far. Of course, when he arrived at the competition, he was handed the official wooden discus. He threw it like a tea saucer. He set new records, and for many years, none of his competitors could touch him. And that is what God is trying to do in us as we go through different and more difficult problems in life. He is trying to MATURE & COMPLETE US. It’s like a bodybuilder, who works to lift heavy weights. They don’t work with the heaviest weight they can raise to build muscle. They work with lighter weights, doing many reps, saving the heavyweights for only a few of their workouts. Muscle build gradually so that, in time, they can lift heavy weights. God develops perseverance in us the same way; by testing our faith little by little, in increasing increments and perhaps even frequency. Faith is trust in God, His Word, and His promises. May God bless you and keep you always.
Pastor Dimas

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