Friday, March 29, 2019



A man who makes a vow to the LORD or makes a pledge under oath must never break it. He must do exactly what he said he would do. (Numbers 30:2).

A godly character starts by living as people of truth. We are to keep promises because our promises are made to or before, the Lord our God. We take more oaths than you realize: getting married we make promises, when we join a church, we make promises, when we sign tax forms or other legal documents, we swear we are being truthful. We make an oath when we enter into a contract with someone. Because we belong to the God who is True, we are to honor Him, by doing what we promised. How do we live a life of integrity and faithfulness?”
Integrity (or the soundness of moral character) is a problem today. Think about what we read and have seen in our experience
  • Church leaders involved in a sexual scandal
  • Politicians who take bribes and commit indecent acts
  • Employees who steal from their employers
  • Students who cheat on exams
  • Athletes who gain an edge through drugs
  • Witnesses who lie on documents and in court
  • People who claim to be Christians but can’t be trusted in business.
  • Co-workers who never arrive to work on time (and often leave early).
  • People who are prominent in a church but don’t live lives any different from the pagans around them.[1]
Integrity is a problem, and it is an especially significant problem for Christians. As representatives of Jesus Christ our inconsistency and lack of integrity destroys our testimony before a watching world. Integrity is measured by how we live by God’s standards. That is not the way everyone defines integrity (which is where we find our integrity crisis). To an increasing number of people in our society, their standard of truth is “whatever works for me” or “whatever makes me happy (in the moment).” For these people, they don’t see their actions (when they lie, cheat, or act immorally) as a lack of integrity. In their minds, they are entirely consistent with their value system. They are doing whatever will gain them the most significant advantage or pleasures.
Christians must operate from a different reference point. There is a standard of truth; there is a right and a wrong; that is the same for everyone. It does not change with the individual; it is set by God. We find that standard of truth in the Bible. The Bible says the person of integrity is one who lives consistently with God’s standards. They are people who DO what is right rather than merely TALK about it. Take stock of your life today. Honor God by being truthful. This is where integrity begins. May God bless you and keep you always.
Pastor Dimas

[1] Goschel, R. (2010). What Does Godly Integrity Looks Like. Wheaton, IL. P. 87.

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